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Arts & Crafts

Sunday:    Sunday School at 9:00am   / Worship Service at 10:00am
                                          Bible Quizzer Practice at 4:00pm

Tuesday:  Ladies Bible Study will resume September 17th at the home of Janet Durbin
Wednesday:  Adult Bible Study at 6:30pm, Led by Ryan Hamby
                                     "Living in the DAZE of Deception" By Jack Hibbs
                                        Ignite:  6:00pm Dinner for all the children
                           6:30-7:45pm Classes for ages 4years through High School
                           The Ignite program is held according to the school year calendar
                           Bus transportation is provided for any children that need a ride. call the Bonnie at
                            217-825-4752 to make arrangements
                           (If there is no school, or an early dismissal, Ignite will also be cancelled)

Senior Singles: Meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month.  They go out and eat and                                               sometimes plan a trip sight seeing or shopping.  Call the church office if you would like to be 
         included and we will get you plugged in.

Missions Team: Meets on the first Thursday of each month.  They plan outreach programs                                   and ways to help the community and beyond.  All are invited to get involved.


We are here for you in any other matter: 
If you need to speak to the Pastor call 217-532-3035 and we will get an appointment set up.
If you or your family is in need of prayer, call the office and we will pray with you and if you are willing,
we can send out our prayer chain to the entire church.

              We hope you will come worship with us.

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